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About Me

I am a Spring 2020 graduate of The Ohio State University searching for a career in UX/UI design. In my studies in the major of New Media and Communication Technology, I have been inspired to analyze and improve user experience in order maximize efficiency for both the user and client.
As a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder, I hope to add to the diversity of any company and prove there should be no limitations for anyone with similar disabilities.


While earning my bachelor's degree at The Ohio State University, I was introduced to User Experience Design. I was fascinated by the ability of deciding what a product will look like and how a user will interact with it. At the end of the day, such a career would allow me to know that I had made a difference and created a product that that I am proud of. I believe the field of UX/UI design needs more individuals who have disabilities such as Autism. Rather than a disability, I see Autism as a superpower. We see the world differently. In my Autism Ad project, I express this idea of embracing and appreciating those who have Autism. History has shown that those who think differently have made the greatest impact on innovation.


Why User Experience Design?

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